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Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update – Local area lockdowns

Statement from South Metro Junior Football League (SMJFL) Chief Executive Officer Sarah Loh

30 June 2020

Today, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews announced that there will be local lockdowns imposed for select suburbs deemed “hot zones” from 11:59pm on Wednesday 1 July 2020 that will be required to return to Stage 3 Stay at Home restrictions until at least 29 July.

Although the SMJFL region is not directly impacted by this news, it is important to acknowledge that the pandemic is not over, and it should not be treated as such. The SMJFL 2020 season is still scheduled to commence on Friday 10 July. However, the league has stated that the 2020 season dates are flexible and dependant on government regulations and advice. Our priority is and always has been the safety and wellbeing of the SMJFL community. If our community becomes lax in following the required hygiene precautions and protocols, this will endanger our community, and impact the 2020 season.

The SMJFL is asking all players, umpires, coaches, officials, volunteers and parents to be cautious and practice responsible hygiene practices – Not only for your own safety, but for the safety of all members of the league.

We ask for all SMJFL members to practice the following to minimise risk to the community and to ensure the season can commence:

  1. Follow AFLV Return to Play protocols

  2. Download the CovidSafe app (available here)

  3. If you are unwell, you MUST stay home and get tested

  4. If you are knowingly exposed to the virus and are tested to be negative, you MUST still stay at home and self-isolate. DO NOT go to training or your club.

  5. DO NOT visit family and friends if they are unwell

  6. DO NOT visit family and friends if you are unwell OR know that you have been in contact with someone who has been unwell

  7. If you are not acting an official role at the club, consider the need to attend on game day.

  8. ‘Get in, train/play, get out’ – DO NOT gather in large groups before or after games and training and maintain 1.5m social distancing

I’d like to thank all members of the community for their cooperation during this time. We appreciate all those who have been diligently following the required protocols and helping the league keep the SMJFL as safe an environment as possible. We’re relying on our community’s support and working together to ensure the 2020 season is not disrupted.


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