Leading First Aid providers and training experts Colbrow Medics have signed on with the South Metro Junior Football League (SMJFL) for the 2021 season.
Colbrow Medics are long-time supporters of the SMJFL, having first signed on in 2014 and joining the SMJFL in its mission in providing a safe environment for all its participants.
Colbrow Medics will continue to deliver its first aid courses to the league’s staff, club volunteers and coaches and provide professional trainers to the grounds during finals.
The SMJFL will continue to endorse Colbrow Medics as the primary and recommended supplier for all first aid courses to the league’s staff, club volunteers, coaches, professional trainers to the grounds during finals as well as the go-to for first aid supplies.
Colbrow Medics General Manager Adrian Widuckel said he was pleased to continue supporting grassroots football.
“What the SMJFL does for community sports is incredible. Getting kids and young people into sports and continue encouraging them is a massive task and really important,” said Mr Widuckel.
“We’re proud to keep playing an important role by providing professional Medics to the grounds throughout finals and Interleague. We have also trained hundreds of dedicated parents, coaches and trainers in First Aid, CPR and most recently also to become Level 1 Sports Trainers.”
“Not only do all Colbrow Medics have up to date First Aid Certificates and are WWC qualified, we also make sure they have completed and are trained in the AFL endorsed Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC) role, which focuses on Footy specific injuries,” he said.
Colbrow Medics provide a number of services including on-site emergency Event First Aid Medical Services, First Aid Training and First Aid Kits (supplies and auditing services) to all types of events and organisations across Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Canberra, Hobart and Perth.
As a result of the pandemic, Colmed Group was established in February 2020 in response to the changing demands of Colbrow Medics. Colmed Group has expanded Colbrow Medics’ scope of services to include five key areas of specialty, the most recent being FluVax.
SMJFL Chief Executive Officer Sarah Loh thanked Colbrow Medics for their longstanding commitment to the league.
“Thank you to the team at Colbrow Medics for supporting the SMJFL, its players and officials into the 2021 season,” she said.
“Colbrow Medics have long assisted the league in ensuring all our club officials are trained in handling football-related injuries on game day,” she said.
“It’s a pleasure to deal with Colbrow Medics for all league level ground cover, training and first aid supply requirements,” she said.
“With this continued partnership, Colbrow Medics will unite with the SMJFL in ensuring a safe environment for all its participants.”
To learn more about Colbrow Medics, click here: https://colmedgroup.com/